CTG generates 2.89 billion kWh of electricity during the Spring Festival

from:China Three Gorges Corporationdate:2022-02-22

CTG generates 2.89 billion kWh of electricity during the Spring Festival-1

China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG), which operates 6 cascade hydropower stations on the main stream of the Yangtze River, generated a total of record-breaking 2.89 billion kWh of electricity in 7 days during the Spring Festival in 2022, powering daily life on the happy occasion. The daily peak load regulation averaged 11.15 million kilowatts, a new high for the stations during the period.

During the festival, the temperature in most parts of China dropped to over 4°C lower than the annual average due to two spells of low-temperature rain and snow, resulting in a spike in electricity demand in the areas covered by the cascade hydropower plants. In order to ensure the power supply, CTG’s listed arm China Yangtze Power formulated a special action plan ahead of the Spring Festival. It accurately predicted the cold wave 10 days in advance, and carefully conducted pre-festival maintenance work of the stations as well as pre-festival safety production inspection to ensure sufficient backup capacity for the stations.

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